As generations went on in his studies and his pea plants began to give him a ton of data he states that there were three laws to his discoveries that can be categorized: Law of Segregation (when traits are found a gene pair and sex cells unite to fertilize and an inherited trait is defined by a gene pair. The oars are separated in the cells so that the cells on y contain one of the two. Offspring therefore inherits one genetic allele from each parent., Law of Independent Assortment (assorted in categories in which traits are not needed to be categorized together to move on to another generation) Law of independent assortment: genes of different traits are sorted apart form each other so that the inheritance of one trait will not need to have another gene inherited for it to be inherited., and Law of Dominance( a dominant trait or gene.) Law of dominance: a life form will inherit the dominant gene in a trait. Traits have two alternate forms. Mendel found that a seed color can be green or yellow. Each visible trait is called a phenotype. He worked with the phenotypes of flower position and stem length for stem and stem and flower traits. The pod traits is the pod shapes and pod color. Also, seed traits the seed shape, the seed color, and seed coat color.
Pure-bred seeds are when they are only green or only yellow and they produce only green or only yellow. Mendel looked at the pea plant as individual part, rather than as a whole so that he could analyze all of the genes easier. To figure out which genes are inherited from which parent, Mendel had to figure out which genes each parent carried. The traits like a seed color are controlled by one gene, which has a green form and a yellow form. Each form is called an allele. The pair of these are called the genotypes. Pure-bred pea plants when crossed did not produce offspring with blended traits. When the green color disappeared because the yellow gene is more dominant than the yellow gene. The end result was never a mix it either had one or the other. Some genes are dominant and others can be recessive. Heterozygous is two different alleles. Homozygous is two same alleles. A gametes is what everything started as. When sperm and eggs come together that is what the gamete is.
A Punnett square is like a multiplication table for genotypes or alleles. This is the 3:1 ratio. A dihybrid is the cross between two different organisms. Genes are real, but not living. Because of this, it look Mandel a long time to get his work approved. All cells come from pre-existing cells and every hour or so cells duplicate. Mendel deduced that Genetics come in pairs and are inherited as distinct units, one from each parent. Peas have well categorized traits that are inherited in ways that are fairly predictable.
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